Peacefulness with Tijen Genco Guided Meditation Book Release

As a person who worked in the stressful corporate environments for years, I came to an understanding of the importance of meditative and deep relaxation practices for one’s key to success, as well as having peaceful and harmonious relationships. I started my journey of research with the idea to investigate best practices on different techniques for my own use. Eventually, I went beyond being a devoted practitioner, and became a teacher of the various techniques that I have learned and benefited from many years.

In 2015 I have developed Genco Method of deep relaxation technique based on my own experience, trial and learning, as well as what I have observed from my students and clients as I guided them through the relaxation experience. I just published the script of my technique and happy to share that is available in Amazon as Peacefulness with Tijen Genco©. My goal is to offer this book of meditation practices as a tool to everyone to have a joyful and easy flow with their life experiences, specifically Coaches, Therapists, Yoga Teachers a like to offer their clients and or students in their sessions. An accompanying audio recording is available for purchase on Amazon Peacefulness with Tijen Genco© for practitioners who would like to have my soothing voice carry them through their meditation.

With this content I am offering various deep relaxation techniques to enhance the body’s natural relaxation response as well as to enable somatic release. These are called the Genco Method Comprehensive and Abbreviated Deep Relaxation practices, and the Genco Method Somatic Release©. I designed the deep relaxation exercises for enabling mental and physical relaxation to result in greater wellbeing, peacefulness, sense of harmony and overall coherence in one’s being. I am offering the Abbreviated practice for daily use when one has limited time to bring their mind-body into a state of relaxation. The Genco Method Somatic Release experience is a method to release emotional tension and imprints of significant and stressful life events from your mind-body with gentleness.

I will be sharing how this book and scripts can be utilized in the client sessions as well as during workshops during my upcoming event Guided Imagery for your Practice Webinar. So that the participants have further tools on their hands.

I hope that it will bring you, and to your clients as peace as it has been to the people that I have been sharing….

Wishing you all a peace-filled day!

Tijen Genco, MS, PCC, MBB, E-RYT200

Published by Tijen Genco

Tijen Genco is a transformational life and business strategist, coach, educator, and assessor. She supported hundreds of people from many countries worldwide, empowering themselves through her coaching, inspirational videos, podcasts, and live workshops. People have enjoyed the warmth, playfulness, challenge, and transformational power of Tijen’s business and personal developmental coaching for over a decade. Tijen has received sixteen honors and awards for excellence throughout her corporate career. Her work in management consulting resulted in multi-million dollars in productivity benefits while creating a long-lasting impact in some social responsibility efforts worldwide. Tijen is a coach called upon by leaders. She has worked with regional and country leaders of global organizations and corporations, and high-degree government officials have recruited her for professional, organizational, and personal coaching. Tijen is the coach’s coach. She trained, mentored, supervised, evaluated, and coached new and established coaches toward excellence and mastery in their coaching careers. In her coaching, Tijen seamlessly integrates methodologies from East and West to offer comprehensive solutions to complex problems. Tijen’s unique and efficient approach results in sustainable solutions for corporations, government organizations, and individuals. Tijen’s professional and business coaching niche is strategic, authentic, inclusive, conscious, and resilient leadership, team cohesiveness and effectiveness, cultural transformation, and onboarding. For Life and Wellbeing Coaching, Tijen’s coaching supports individuals in establishing healthy and helpful life strategies, resolving conflicts, developing compassion, and resolving lingering emotions. As an expert in the field, Tijen offers coach education, assessments, mentoring, and supervision. Tijen's coaching inspires clients to elevate their consciousness, potentialize their strengths, and develop impactful, sustainable, effective strategies to overcome long-enduring struggles.

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