Guided Meditations and Imagery Techniques and Their Applications to Coaching

As a coach that utilizes mindfulness for sustaining and deepening behavioral and cognitive changes, I am often asked how to utilize deep relaxation or guided imagery techniques in Coaching or Therapy settings. A few critical things need to be considered to utilize these techniques in sessions. I often observe that individuals with little or no mindfulness education, including yoga teachers, attempt to implement these into their sessions, by attending to a practical experience. It needs to be understood that taking someone deep into their psyche requires a significant amount of ethics, integrity, reverence, gentleness, care and understanding. Because in that state of being, it is likely that the individual’s guard is down and they are taking in whatever you are saying. Therefore, whatever you are saying needs to be chosen with care and understanding.

This workshop introduces such concepts and teaches the use of Guided Imagery techniques.

To learn more and register, please visit the upcoming events page to see scheduled classes or use our contact page to be on our waitlist.

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