NBHWC Examination Content Outline Review and Preparation Course

This is an engaging NBHWC Exam Prep and Content Review Class that will assist you in preparation for the NBHWC Exam. Specially designed by Tijen Genco, experienced certified Health and Wellness coach and coach trainer instructors will share their experience with the participants in a helpful way to prepare them for the content and the way the questions assess your knowledge as it applies to the situations presented. The Blueprint for the exam will be highlighted, along with additional resources recommended by the NBHWC. It will assist individuals interested in taking the National Board Credentialing Exam to be prepared with more confidence. NBHWC exam questions are created to assess the coaching knowledge’s application rather than the content itself. Therefore, it is quite beneficial to receive assistance from a seasoned coach while preparing to understand how knowledge is applied to specific cases.

This review course is designed to assist all students who have completed their coaching education, regardless of when or where they took the courses. Although this course is designed to help students prepare for the NBCHWC exam, it is a helpful course for any coach desiring to have an overview of coaching-related content, such as Ethics and Legal, as well as Evidence-Based Coaching Methodologies. 

This course is an exam prep course and, of course, does not count toward Health and Wellness certification.

What are the participants saying:

“Tijen is a beyond amazing mentor coach and teacher.  Her exam prep course is incredible!  She has a way of condensing, simplifying and explaining the information in a way that makes it easier to learn, process, integrate and remember.  The information is presented, discussed, clarified and then we are given case studies.  The case studies are extremely helpful and Tijen works with us and teaches us what information to extract from the case studies using the different coaching modalities, biometrics, health information etc. to be able to arrive at the right conclusion and answer.   It not only offers and reviews the information but teaches how to interpret and apply that knowledge.  It prepares our brain to analyze and process the information in the way we need to do it during the exam.   I cannot recommend this course enough!!” —Marta Neimark, Health and Wellness Coach

Excellent prep course!  The material Tijen provides and the decks she creates for each class provide a clear and concise approach for studying each section of the NBHWC test outline.  She also teaches how to dissect sample test questions, to look for clues to help determine the correct answer when two may seem like an appropriate response.  She is very accessible when comments and questions arise during and in between sessions, and her genuine care comes through with each reply.  Her support is everything!  I highly recommend this course.” — Denise Jernas, Health and Wellness Coach

To see our exam prep course outline, learn more, and register, please visit the upcoming events page to see scheduled classes or use our contact page to be on our waitlist.

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