3. Mentor Coaching & Supervision

What is Mentor Coaching and Coaching Supervision?

For credentialing, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines mentor coaching as coaching an applicant on their coaching skills rather than coaching on practice building, life balance, or other topics unrelated to the development of an applicant’s coaching skill. Therefore, in mentor coaching sessions, the focus is on the core competencies and their expression in a session. In coaching supervision, the conversation scope is broader and may include a coach’s experiences from client sessions and various scenarios about how to handle them. The coach being mentored may bring their experiences to a coaching supervisor to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning to develop and benefit themselves and their clients.

Tijen Genco as a Mentor Coach

I have been coaching since 2006 as an internal coach and external coach. I became a mentor and coach educator in 2015. My practice includes Executive, Life, and Wellbeing Coaching, supporting individuals and organizations in transforming by combining scientific and esoteric approaches to behavioral change. I am an ICF assessor and approved continuing education provider, supporting coaches’ development.

My students and mentees developed significantly from my direct, caring, and informative feedback. Through reflective dialogue and collaborative learning, we have substantially built their skills to benefit their clients and themselves.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Certified mentor and assessor for ICF.  Assessing submissions for ICF credentialing at the ACC (Associated Certified Coach), PCC (Professional Certified Coach), MCC (Master Certified Coach), and Health and Wellness coaches for NBHWC.
  • ICF-approved continuing education provider.
  • Past VP of Education and Professional Development and ICF, Philadelphia Chapter board member.
  • Developed Genco Method© Coach Training Portfolio, a unique coaching application that marries various evidenced-based techniques and esoteric methodology. See Genco Method© Training Courses for more information.
  • Multicultural approach: I have worked and lived in many different cultures of the East and West, which enables me to understand cultural nuances and assess and support the coach’s development.
  • Teaching roles include Genco Coaching School of Consciousness and Coaching, University of Texas at Dallas Organizational Behavior and Executive Coaching Program, Maryland University of Integrated Health – Health Coaching Certification Program, and Marion Franklin’s Laser Focused Coaching Course. I am also an active ICF member.

Mentor Coaching Services

ICF Certification and Certification Upgrade Services

Individual Mentoring

I review recorded coaching sessions offline and provide detailed developmental written feedback on the transcript and the coaching competency assessment form. The feedback forms are sent to the client-coach to review and prepare for the virtual session we will conduct for their developmental discussion.

ICF Certification and Certification Upgrade Services

Semi-Private Mentor Session

These sessions are available upon request for parties of four or two individuals. In these sessions, participants coach one another under my observation and mentoring. Participants will receive feedback from other participants and verbal and written feedback from me on the competency assessment form. These sessions will not have the depth of individual mentoring feedback since the limited written feedback is still quite helpful for the coach’s development.

ICF Certification and Certification Upgrade Services

Group Mentoring

These sessions are held weekly for ninety minutes. They are designed to enhance the coaching skills of the participants from both the art and science of coaching perspectives. Participants will practice coaching under Tijen’s mentoring. A considerable portion of the sessions are dedicated to practice. During the practicum part of the session, Tijen offers in-the-moment feedback and will point out the techniques that might be helpful during the coaching inquiry. NBHWC and ICF Competencies are covered throughout the class. The participants will have a virtual classroom where they share the class materials and submit deepening practices offered weekly.

ICF Certification and Certification Upgrade Services

Skills Assessments for Coaching

As a certified assessor and mentor coach, I listen to recorded sessions and provide feedback from the perspective of ICF or National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) competencies before student submissions to the certifying organizations.

Hear how some of my coaches have benefitted from my sessions in this video.

To learn more about Monthly Group Mentor Sessions and to register, please visit the upcoming events page to see scheduled classes. Use our contact page listed below to inquire about individual mentor sessions and ICF recording assessments for credentialing renewal or upgrade.

Published by Tijen Genco

Tijen Genco is a transformational life and business strategist, coach, educator, and assessor. She supported hundreds of people from many countries worldwide, empowering themselves through her coaching, inspirational videos, podcasts, and live workshops. People have enjoyed the warmth, playfulness, challenge, and transformational power of Tijen’s business and personal developmental coaching for over a decade. Tijen has received sixteen honors and awards for excellence throughout her corporate career. Her work in management consulting resulted in multi-million dollars in productivity benefits while creating a long-lasting impact in some social responsibility efforts worldwide. Tijen is a coach called upon by leaders. She has worked with regional and country leaders of global organizations and corporations, and high-degree government officials have recruited her for professional, organizational, and personal coaching. Tijen is the coach’s coach. She trained, mentored, supervised, evaluated, and coached new and established coaches toward excellence and mastery in their coaching careers. In her coaching, Tijen seamlessly integrates methodologies from East and West to offer comprehensive solutions to complex problems. Tijen’s unique and efficient approach results in sustainable solutions for corporations, government organizations, and individuals. Tijen’s professional and business coaching niche is strategic, authentic, inclusive, conscious, and resilient leadership, team cohesiveness and effectiveness, cultural transformation, and onboarding. For Life and Wellbeing Coaching, Tijen’s coaching supports individuals in establishing healthy and helpful life strategies, resolving conflicts, developing compassion, and resolving lingering emotions. As an expert in the field, Tijen offers coach education, assessments, mentoring, and supervision. Tijen's coaching inspires clients to elevate their consciousness, potentialize their strengths, and develop impactful, sustainable, effective strategies to overcome long-enduring struggles.

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