Organizational Change Resilience

Coaching with Mastery and Elegance with Tijen Genco Podcast – Executive Coaching Focused Episode

Organizations have either been purposefully designed for or have evolved to operate efficiently and effectively in routine environments characterized by stability and predictability. This often translates into employees feeling psychological safety in an environment where they can repeat their performance in a known situation. Over the last decade, volatility in natural, economic, and social systems increased faster than many organizations and individuals can adjust, resulting in organizational vulnerability toward rapidly changing conditions, and facilitating a sense of uncertainty and unsafety. Such fast-moving events seem to be overwhelming many organizations and impacting their ability to manage the adverse effects of systemic volatility. Individual and team responses to volatility are impacting organizational outcomes.

In this episode that focuses on Executive Coaching and Organizational Development, Tijen is speaking with Cynthia Lait, ACC, about the Genco Method approach to organizational resilience. The Genco Method approach to resilience is about coaching individuals’ and teams’ responses and reactivity to volatility by building strength and capacity to embrace, adapt, and innovate during the ever-changing conditions, moving away from change-cooping and bouncing back organizational response toward change-thriving organizational capability.

 Click here to learn more about the concept and establish an engagement with Tijen.

Click here to learn more about Cynthia Lait.

Published by Tijen Genco

Tijen Genco is a transformational life and business strategist, coach, educator, and assessor. She supported hundreds of people from many countries worldwide, empowering themselves through her coaching, inspirational videos, podcasts, and live workshops. People have enjoyed the warmth, playfulness, challenge, and transformational power of Tijen’s business and personal developmental coaching for over a decade. Tijen has received sixteen honors and awards for excellence throughout her corporate career. Her work in management consulting resulted in multi-million dollars in productivity benefits while creating a long-lasting impact in some social responsibility efforts worldwide. Tijen is a coach called upon by leaders. She has worked with regional and country leaders of global organizations and corporations, and high-degree government officials have recruited her for professional, organizational, and personal coaching. Tijen is the coach’s coach. She trained, mentored, supervised, evaluated, and coached new and established coaches toward excellence and mastery in their coaching careers. In her coaching, Tijen seamlessly integrates methodologies from East and West to offer comprehensive solutions to complex problems. Tijen’s unique and efficient approach results in sustainable solutions for corporations, government organizations, and individuals. Tijen’s professional and business coaching niche is strategic, authentic, inclusive, conscious, and resilient leadership, team cohesiveness and effectiveness, cultural transformation, and onboarding. For Life and Wellbeing Coaching, Tijen’s coaching supports individuals in establishing healthy and helpful life strategies, resolving conflicts, developing compassion, and resolving lingering emotions. As an expert in the field, Tijen offers coach education, assessments, mentoring, and supervision. Tijen's coaching inspires clients to elevate their consciousness, potentialize their strengths, and develop impactful, sustainable, effective strategies to overcome long-enduring struggles.

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